19 Mar 2007

Burny burny burny! (and Eastern European food...)

Nothing games-related with this stub -- I'm using a wart-removal fluid to get rid of this large wart I've had on my palm for what seems like forever.
Thing is, after scrubbing off the dead skin, I've now hit the almost-healthy skin beneath it (the one with the virus in it). So the fluid is touching that directly.
It is quite a nuisance, to tell you the truth. I can type (and it takes my mind off it), but any other movement just gives me this annoying stab of pain. Oh well; I suppose it could be worse. I could have multiple warts.
Oh wait. I do...

Anyway, 'twas a good St. Paddy's Day w/end. Even though Ireland lost the Six Nations (you fools!!), I still had fun; I went to the foodfest exhibition in the RDS, Dublin. It was quite eye-opening to find out how many different flavours Eastern Europe had to offer -- and quite cheaply too, I might add!
In fact, I gorged myself on plates of cheap (Lithuanian?) dumplings -- pork meatball, potato & fried dumplings (w/potato), all going for the equivalent of -- get this -- €0.60-1.20! Aya (the sushi bar) where there as well, with €1.20 plates of norimaki as well. I also found some crazy Lithuanian cheesecake bars -- very creamy (reminds me of quark), with a sweet dark-choc shell. €0.50. Man, if I can find them for sale, I will be ALL OVER THEM!
There was lots of other fun stuff, too; including some Lithuanian (are you starting to notice a trend here?) traditional fold dancers. I found their dances to be quite entertaining & energetic; except for the more waltz-y ones. Should've joined in, too; some of those girls were cute...

... o_O!! That'll do for now!

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