18 Apr 2009

Back to blogging

Originally uploaded by Kiki Daiso

Well, even though noone reads my blog, I'm gonna restart it with this.
This is Slinky. The dad found him abandoned up in the Wicklow mountains, and took pity on the poor little bugger.
So, he's living with us for now!
Of course, the mam is dead-set against it, but since she's home most of the time, I think this could work out.
We'll give him a trial for a week anyway before calling the animal shelters.

Things to note:
-He was STARVING, and has eaten 2 tins of dogfood in the last 6hrs.
-He's kinda afraid of loud noises, but otherwise is VERY friendly.
-He sheds hair like CRAZY.

Let's see if he can bounce back to form -- he's happily running around the garden already.
.. hey! No, Slinky! Not the tulips!

[*Kiki has run up the garden]